Daily Archives: March 28, 2012

Topic for 30/03/2012: Vietnamese Education

Vietnamese Education – Do we have to study too much?

Vietnamese people are said to be intelligent and industrious. In the education field, there is simple proof that usually do a considerable number of Vietnamese students achieve high prizes in International Competitions, as well as be highly respected by classmates when studying abroad thanks to high score.

On the other hand, foreign students are much more active and creative compared to Vietnam’s, they may have inventions or even their own business at their very young age; furthermore, it’s not so impressive that a 22 year-old student himself takes an adventure around the world before looking for a job or going higher education. Conversely, there is hardly ever case in Vietnamese students.

One reason for the discrepancy is that we have merely little spare time to think of innovation. Our life cycle is all about studying at school or university, coming home and doing homework. Could not state it ruins our creativity but it surely consumes countless amount of time for other activities, which has special role in making our body recover its equilibrium. Homework is really a pain in the neck.

As was a pupil, you probably remember how hard you experienced in the school few years ago. How do you feel?

Suggested Questions:

  1. Have you ever felt homework is so overwhelming? Are the tons of homework from which Vietnamese students are suffering useful in improvement of knowledge?
  2. Do you have any idea of improving the education system?
  3. Discussion question: As can be seen from the government, they want to replace the old University entrance exam with GMAT or assessments like this, what is your opinion?

Fact: A recent comparative study of kids in China, Japan and two U.S. cities shows there is no correlation between time spent on studying and academic achievement. The topic is based on “The homework debate” – And the book “The Homework Myth” by Alfie Kohn

Author: Dung Trung Nguyen

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